Click on each service to read more

Clean Windows



In our opinion, we live in the most beautiful state in the US. You might as well have clean windows to enjoy the view. Clean windows are important for the health and maintenance of the window in order to avoid replacing them more often than necessary. We pride ourselves with our professional and thorough job, double checking our work upon completion, and ensuring your windows are sparkling clean.


Clean Gutters



With our Northwest weather, our roofs and gutters need a good clean. Removing the debris from both the roof and gutters reduces the chances of major water damage or even small leaks or blockages. We take care to not only remove the waste, but we make it look as good as new.

No Moss


Moss treatment

After cleaning your roof off, it’s important to add zinc sulfate to ensure that moss does not grow back! Although it may not look like much, this chemical will prevent moss from growing on your roof, which could cause major damage.


Clean Surface



What’s more satisfying than a freshly pressure washed driveway, sidewalk, patio, or deck? At Tolt, we don’t rush the process, but take the necessary time with the details to ensure there is no unwanted damage and missed areas. Tolt takes care to protect your landscaping while pressure washing.




We create custom made lights for your home so you can avoid any hassle or burnt out lights from last year. It looks clean and professional and quality is everything. We buy the best materials to make sure your home is safe. We also store your custom lights for you during the off season.



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Additional services

For home owners, general maintenance is key in order to avoid unnecessary costs due to standard yearly use. Tolt knows that value and importance, so we are happy to take extra care to offer various services such as solar panel and screen cleaning.